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Air Use Calculations

     Hey all,

     There having been a lot of discussion about
rebreathers and other various environmental systems
lately, I came up with a question.
     The design of my sub being as economical and
simple as possible, I have only allowed for a
submerged endurance of say one or two hours.  Mostly
the idea is to avoid building a scrubber and just use
cabin air.  As long as I have a good monitoring system
in place, I plan to come up every hour or so and just
ventilate the cabin w/fresh air.  Opinions on this?
     So my question is, does anyone know where to find
how to calculate volume of breathable air used by the
human body per minute?  Can one extrapolate an
estimate of submerged endurance  based on the volume
of air in the cabin versus volume of air used by the
human body?  Let me know what you guys think.


 P.S.  Thanks to all who sounded off on the "Tour of
The Boat"  thing....nice to meet ya

"Noisy outside, empty inside." - Confucius
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