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Re: periscopes

    Why don't you guys just use a small lipstick TV camera.  You can get
one like I did for $100 that is about 5/8 inch in diameter.  You will have
to put it in a windowed housing that is pressure proof.  I built mine out
of a cast acrylic tube with a thick acrylic end solvent welded onto the
cast tube.  I have a PVC O-Ringed plug in the back for servicing.  I do not
have photos now but should have them soon.  You will need a small LCD or
LED TV inside to view the surface or the Superbowl.
    Submarine periscopes use converging lenses all along the tube to
continue converging the image over and over.  This is how they "Pipe" the
image into the sub.  I would think that it would be tricky at best to
allign one.
    One more thought on periscopes is this:  If you use them for checking
on surface traffic it will be too late if you see it coming.  I needed mine
to look for orientation and navigation without having to use air for
surfacing to see where I am.

Gary Boucher