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Re: periscopes

     Yeah,  I thought just a non-retractable one would get me by. 
Thought it might be cheaper to go the periscope route than to invest in
some kind of listening device.  Thanks for the info tho....


--- Paul Suds <paul_suds@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris, A good college physics textbook will have
> some easy descriptions 
> of optics. I was looking through Psubs web page the
> other day and was amazed 
> at how much info is there. In fact, I think there
> was something on 
> periscopes, but I don't think it went into too much
> detail. I really would 
> not design my sub with a periscope. Seals are
> difficult, if you want a 
> retractable one, and I'm not too sure what it will
> buy you. Having 
> communications with a surface craft is ideal,
> otherwise good acoustic 
> sensors for detecting oncomming watercraft would be
> an alternative. Also, 
> what would stop an oncomming surface craft from
> running into the periscope, 
> Ha.
> Suds
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