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Re: Wet Subs Rule.

>>>Rick Lucertini wrote:
>>>The kayak sock is the best idea I've heard on this list.  I thought of it myself.  ;-)
Hey Rick - I knew I heard that Kayak sock idea from someone - See, PSUBS is working for the people!
>>>Have you considered the possibility of a WASP style hardshellsuit...
No, actually not. My fantasy centers around a sub I could share with a friend.  But a two-man WASP suit was a little more friendly than I had in mind - YIKES !
>>We are a wonderful bunch aren't we?  Mr. Bean is my hero.
I think we are swell... and some are more swollen than others.
And Vance wrote:
>> What does he mean, entertainment at LEAST?
> Vance

Only good things, Vance. I can assure you, only good things!
Sincerely -Greg