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Wet Subs Rule.

I personally have never been offended by the group, and am frankly feeling a little left out.  My primary interest is in Wet subs as I will be using them in lakes in Minnesota ( lake Superior primarily ) and the option to get out and pick stuff up is a neat feature.  How to stay warm is another story.  I have considered a dry suit as the most likely option, but in my ideal world (or at least my mind) I am constructing plans for an ambient sub with a DRY passenger compartment.  My current favorite is a vehicle in which the pilot lays prone on a shell that essentially floats within a larger inverted cup.  The main problem as I see it is keeping the pressure level regulated ( I'll need something like the sportsub device), and making the pilot compartment small enough to still be able to sink. 
Another alternative that seems like a possibility is entering into the top of a wet sub through a hatch and descending into a sea kayak bag ( idea previously in archives) or into a form fitted shell just large enough to move in ( with the rim above the water line of course ). This does exclude the possibility of getting out easily if one wants, but does eliminate the cold water deal.
AND finally - this Psub page has been the most fun I've actually had on the web, so thanks to ALL of you for allowing me to dream, and offering advice at best, or entertainment at least.
Most Sincerely -