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RE: "LETS DROP IT" (back to subs)

Dear F.

You know, about 15 years ago I made something super-simple that really was
zero hassle yet loads of fun, and given the interests you described earlier,
you might find this a third option in the wet-dry discussion. Its not an
invention or anything, lots of others have done it before I did.

This thing (I believe the term is underwater sled) was just a metal frame
with a towing eye on the front, and a pair of wings with a handle on each.
I'd tow it behind a boat, with a diver on it. It was magical, because it was
true FLIGHT, yet at slow-motion speed -- it gave the impression of flying a
stunt plane, yet because of the slow speed you felt you could just step off
the plane in case of impending trouble. You could fly upside down, look at
the reflections on the surface, or skim along above the water, corkscrew
around, move over and around bottom features. This was so simple, it had no
fuselage at all, and no tanks -- it just sank, and I started and ended runs
in a sandy area. The shortcomings are obvious (you need a boat and a
volunteer to tow you, for one) but on the other hand you can build the thing
in one weekend.

I think an extension of that idea would be to make a basic wet sub with the
bare minimum components, and use it in towed mode at first. Then if it works
nicely you could always add the propulsion, batteries, lights, instruments,
etc. to the extent that suited you.

What d'you think?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of F Phillips
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 1:48 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: "LETS DROP IT"
> Hi Alec Smyth,
> I just open your "LETS DROP IT" e-mail about Al, Jack and me talking about
> personal submarines just as you told the psubs list to do in your other
> recent post you entitled, "I GOT AN IDEA, LETS TALK ABOUT SUBS NOW".  I'm
> personally very interested on Al's knowledge and also Jack's concerns.
> Alec, you have chosen a dry sub and are interested in your 8 month sub
> project and sharing your amateur spreadsheets you put together to form
> calculations for your dry sub's crush depths.  While some psubs
> members may
> have found your gift to the list as boring as a dial tone, nobody censored
> you or said, "LETS DROP IT".  Pressure calculations are posted all through
> the psubs archives already, yet, your personal input was accepted by all
> psubs members, even those with wet subs.
> I sincerely request that we each go to the psubs main page under the word,
> "Welcome" and read the "Mission Statement" and "Scope" a few times.  And,
> Alec, I totally agree with the first few words of your "LETS DROP
> IT" e-mail
> to the list, which was, "Maybe I'm over-reacting" ....... yes, Alec, you
> are.
> I don't speak for Al or Jack, but I resent being told to "DROP IT" (it
> sounds awfully close to "SHUT UP" to me) and I really do like the
> merits of
> wet subs and the merits of dry subs and I hope we can continue to include
> that interesting subject in a non-flame professional manner.  Please
> remember that new people are joining this fine psub list every
> day and know
> nothing of what sub topics are authorized and those that aren't.
> I trust we all have your permission to continue and I apologize to Al and
> Jack for your e-mail as I don't require an apology.  I think we also may
> have lost new member, Ginger, who seemed very interested in wet subs too.
> Just my 2 cents,  F. Phillips
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