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Re: subs for checkout instruction

I have to question your comment about wet subs being safer than 1 atm
subs. Dor starters, to be a wet sub pilot, it is imperative that you be
certified scuba diver.  Also, with a wet sub, ascent rate is extremely
critical...too fast and you end up bent or embolized.  Bottom time is
also limited due to nitrogen absorbtion in the tissues.

Why do you feel dry subs are more dangerous?  The only possible drawback
I can think of is you can't easily bailout like you can in a wet sub but
it is still possible.  Other than that, the piloting concepts are the
you still have to control ballast, etc.  Actually, I would think a dry
would be easier to pilot since the bouyancy would not change with depth
much as a wet sub would.

Oh well, just my 2 cents....maybe Vance or Phil or someone with more
experience than me can comment.


j barton wrote:
> I was seeing that Vance and some other member e-mail say exfloridian.  Is there a sub center down there in Florida to get a checkride in any kind of sub?  Just being a passenger going for a ride is nothing.  I prefer a wet sub that a psubs instructor could go with you for a shallow dive to get some basic sub piloting beginners permit or some learners certification.
> Wet subs appear much more fun and much safer for us amatuers or even seasoned proessionals.  Dry subs seem so restricted and too complicated to be any fun and very dangerous.  Do you live on the beach Vance and what kind of psub do you own and where do you use it?  Thanks, Jack
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Al Secor  ARS: WA3PWX  Scuba Instructor SSI DCSI 5528