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Re: "Bootlegging Real Psubs"

Would 900 ft down in a Perry class 3 man sub qualify?  Oh, maybe not...
I wasn't the pilot.

Regarding your question on wet subs and wet suit diving in northern lakes,
most northern lakes I have been in have very limited visibility.  Not sure
you could cover any more ground in a wet sub than with a DPV and a DPV 
would be a whole lot cheaper.  For search purposes, neither is an
efficient way to go.  You'd be better off investing in a side scan sonar
and magnetometer.  The Marine Sonic side scan runs about $20K and produces
quite high resolution picures.  You could cover a lot of ground with a
surface ship and then just get wet when you get an interesting target.
I know people currently doing this in the St. Lawrence River.

Al Secor

>Hello psub owners, (pilots),
>I would be interested to know how many of this club's members have ever 
>"actually" gone down (under water) in a personal submarine let alone in one 
>that you designed, built and piloted yourself and not some half built ugly 
>monstrosity you inherited or received from someone else's failed project?
>There seems to be quite a bit of professional "sounding" ethics advice being 
>given to Charles from the club's critics and nothing of a positive psub 
>design nature except for a couple club members.  Now be very honest, how 
>many in this psubs club actually own and pilot their own subs?  I'm sure the 
>listmaster/war museum photographer, Mr. Ray Keefer, owns and pilots his own 
>personal sub and I'm sure the psubs list owner, Mr. Jon Wallace, owns and 
>pilots his own sub, but, we scuba people were curious just how many of the 
>other "regular" club members do real hands on psubs diving.  My guess from 
>the postings is not many at all.  Is there a list of members with working 
>psubs in this club?
>Maybe Charles knows more about psub design and building than we give him 
>credit for and some members pick on and criticize Charles because he'll show 
>up many members by actually building and piloting his own psub while others 
>just talk about building one for years and years and really do nothing.  Mr. 
>Phil Nuytten, speaking of bootlegging, being in the music business, how 
>could the lady "look up Elvis" for bootlegging Hound Dog and many many 
>other's music that he stole?
>Just one person's opinion.
>Good luck Charles,  Ginger
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Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com