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Re: "Bootlegging Real Psubs"

Hi Ginger,
Now be very honest, how many in this psubs club actually own and pilot their own subs?

Looking around I raise my hand slowly.
You can count me as 1 amateur backyard builder that successfully made and operate my own dry sub. I did this on my own about 15 years ago. I know of at least 5 others, 2 are in the group, Gary and Richard. Hi guys, are you still out there lurking? Any others?
Like some of the others, I built my sub and did everything from scratch without any plans other than what I learned over the years from looking at other REAL subs and from reading books.
As far as ugly? Look for yourself, you can see my sub at     http://www.yel-o-sub.com
Also Ginger,  I'm in Michigan near much cold fresh water diving.

Jon Shawl

Ginger Robinson wrote:

Hello psub owners, (pilots),
I would be interested to know how many of this club's members have ever
"actually" gone down (under water) in a personal submarine let alone in one
that you designed, built and piloted yourself and not some half built ugly
monstrosity you inherited or received from someone else's failed project?

There seems to be quite a bit of professional "sounding" ethics advice being
given to Charles from the club's critics and nothing of a positive psub
design nature except for a couple club members.  Now be very honest, how
many in this psubs club actually own and pilot their own subs?  I'm sure the
listmaster/war museum photographer, Mr. Ray Keefer, owns and pilots his own
personal sub and I'm sure the psubs list owner, Mr. Jon Wallace, owns and
pilots his own sub, but, we scuba people were curious just how many of the
other "regular" club members do real hands on psubs diving.  My guess from
the postings is not many at all.  Is there a list of members with working
psubs in this club?

Maybe Charles knows more about psub design and building than we give him
credit for and some members pick on and criticize Charles because he'll show
up many members by actually building and piloting his own psub while others
just talk about building one for years and years and really do nothing.  Mr.
Phil Nuytten, speaking of bootlegging, being in the music business, how
could the lady "look up Elvis" for bootlegging Hound Dog and many many
other's music that he stole?

Just one person's opinion.
Good luck Charles,  Ginger

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