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RE: Plans

Sorry Charlie, but it is wrong to pay for one set of plans, and use it for
more than one person. It's called stealing. Unfortunately, we in America no
longer like hard words or true words like that. The fact is you can
rationalize your idea 100 different ways, it is still stealing. Working with
'intellectual property' myself I know something of this from the selling
side and I know it happens all the time, and it costs me lots of money and
it's wrong.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
[mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 1:28 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: Plans

VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/27/99 3:21:54 AM, dkanarr@bellatlantic.net writes:
> <<Anyone want to split the cost of submarine plans with me?
> The more people - the cheaper they will be. (Hint)
> E-mail me direct.
> >>
> splitting the cost is screwing george out of his design money--not fair
> pal--pay the man his money and stand up straight--also, look at Web
> page--I forget the address but do Submersible Submarine and a serch and it
> will come up--they sell K-boat plans and charge way too much to build
> but are knowledgable and entertaining--they are also in New York state
> somewhere--
> Vance


Well, i could understand you getting mad that i wanted to split the cost
with others.  George would still get his money.  Well, sounds like you
bought a set at full price and are mad that someone would come up with
this idea.  Well, I prob. would have overlooked your e-mail regarding
this matter, but you pissed me off when you wrote how close to NJ.  You
really made me sound like a jerk in front of the group.

Well, if you want to write back, do it direct - not to the group!

PS.  if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all.