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Re: Re: Sub Plans
This is a 100% non-offensive message. There is no bad feeling of
any sort presented or implied.
Hello, JoyKill here,
It is entirely possible that the good Captain has done exactly
this: that is, protected the drawings and design documents themselves via
copyright. In any event, it is probably of questionable legality to copy
them. Given the other protections that George has prudently installed in
his submersible business foray, it seems worth investigating. I am sure
anyone who has the drawings can relate whether or not there are
restrictions on them put there by the creator.
I don't think anyone here is "hurt" that they paid full price and
now a timeshare is being suggested; if you have started even the most
simplistic parts of construction the cost there dwarfs the plans. What many
people seem concerned with is the legality of copying and distributing
another man's intellectual property, which is what I thought was being
suggested also.
Take it easy,
John Brownlee
Lunar and Planetary Lab
University of Arizona
jonnie @ lpl . arizona . edu