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Re: Visit in June (Fwd)

Dear Phil - You truly live an enviable life! I am excited just telling my
friends about you.  Thanks for being part of the group!

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Nuytten <72020.572@CompuServe.COM>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Visit in June (Fwd)

> Hi, Ray!
>         Glad you got to see the Gosport museum . .they have some
> outstanding exhibits for a small museum! Colin Taylor, the founder of
> themuseum is an old friend of mine - in fact he and Monique will be
> with us at our Gulf Island place next month. Jean Michel Cousteau and Nan,
> and Leslie Leaney ( Pres. - HDS/USA) and Jill will also join us. Colin is
> particularly looking forward to seeing/feeding Wolf Eels! My museum
> interests are long-standing . .I've been on the board of trustees of the
> Vancouver Maritime Museum for more than 20 years, founded the Historical
> Diving Society-Canada, am on half a dozen historical/reseach institute
> boards, and am president of the Deep Foundation. We hope to open a major
> museum of Deep Diving here in North Vancouver within the next 18-24
> It has received approval from the city council and we ( Deep Foundation &
> North Vancouver Museum) have currently hired a team of consultants on
> structure and fund-raising. Whole package is estimated to cost about 13
> mil. Ambitious project!
> Regards
> Phil Nuytten