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[Fwd: VIRUS ALERT - Zipped_files]

Hello Fellow P-Subbers,

This is a real virus alert.  It was serious enough to cause Boeing to
shut down its e-mail system for a day and had a similar impact on
Microsoft.  Go to the site and read more.

If you receive any ".exe" files in your mail DO NOT OPEN THEM! until
they have been scanned for viruses.

Carry on,
Dick Morrisson

---- Begin included message ----
This mail comes to you from the Virus Emergency Response Team
at Proland Software.

Trojan: Zipped_files.exe

This is a new and dangerous trojan program that is extremely fast
spreading. Zipped_files or explorezip is a Win32 based dangerous
trojan program. This trojan affects systems running Windows 95,
Windows 98 and Windows NT. It has the capability of spreading on its
own using email. It's destructive payload will delete many document
and program source files.

More information and instructions to detect and remove this trojan
are available at:


You are welcome to circulate this information to anyone it will be
of help to.

If you have any problems, please write to support@pspl.com


The Virus Emergency Response Team
Proland Software.

---- End included message ----