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Re: [Fwd: VIRUS ALERT - Zipped_files]

Dick Morrisson wrote:

> Hello Fellow P-Subbers,
> This is a real virus alert.  It was serious enough to cause Boeing to
> shut down its e-mail system for a day and had a similar impact on
> Microsoft.  Go to the site and read more.
> If you receive any ".exe" files in your mail DO NOT OPEN THEM! until
> they have been scanned for viruses.

Dick - thanks for the warning.  An ex-IBM friend of mine vouches for the validity of this
virus.  It's a real one.  I believe it goes after *.doc files and MS Office files.

Be careful, All . . .

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."

   Groucho Marx