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Re: What Submarine Am I?

Dave Everett wrote:
>Michael B Holt wrote:
>>Ok, my sources say that's the Swedish A-19 class, called
>>the "Gotland" class.    The Swedes sold six of these to
>>the Aussies (the "Collins" class, previously suggested as
>>the mystery sub).
>First Abba, now the Gotland, what next!

Oh dear, you just sent me to a scary visual place -- what with the all-girl
crew, and now Abba, and...

Turns the whole concept into a short-lived 70's TV series. Mix a little
'Man From Atlantis,' a bit of 'Charlie's Angels,' a little Lynda Carter as
'Wonder Woman'... Probably oughta throw Roddy McDowell in there too.

Say, ummm -- *where* was this sub spotted? And what would it have been
doing there? What with this supposed proliferation of "3rd World" countries
buying diesel subs from England and Sweden and whatnot, and reading that
this Sea Shepherd group has bought one -- it gets me to wondering, like
there must be at least one wealthy character in the world who has one all
his own. Either as  a yacht, or to play at being a Bond-flick villain, or
both. Has anyone heard of this actually happening? And who wants to start
the PSubs savings account so we can save up for one?

Osage MN USA