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Re: What Submarine Am I?

On Mon, 24 May 1999 19:27:49 -0400 "Allan E. Gaines"  writes:
>Okay, here's some "amplifying" info. on that sub.  I
>managed to take two pictures, which (using a 50MM<?>
>lens from 1000 feet) don't show much.  Anyway, there
>are two "dive planes" halfway up the conning tower
>right at the leading edge.  Also, there's some kind of
>a projection or bulge off the rear of the conning tower
>near the top.  Two periscopes<?> are visible on top
>of the conning tower, too.

Ok, my sources say that's the Swedish A-19 class, called 
the "Gotland" class.    The Swedes sold six of these to
the Aussies (the "Collins" class, previously suggested as
the mystery sub).   

All fairly new.

Was the sub stopped on the surface?    Any other traffic

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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