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Re: What Submarine Am I?

In a message dated 5/24/99 4:22:54 AM, exfloridians@ecsu.campuscwix.net 

<<I was out flying around Puerto Rico with the Coast
Guard recently.  While out, we flew over a surfaced
submarine (several crewmembers were on deck).
It was black, with a conventional conning
tower.  However, it looked smaller than most U.S.
Navy subs I've seen.  Also, the stern "tail fins"
(what do you call them?)  *appeared* to be in an "x"
configuration.  What I mean is, if you
saw this sub from the rear, the tail fins would appear
as an "x" instead of a "+" like most subs I've seen.

[I presume it would look like an "x"; I don't know
what the fins below the water looked like.]

will inquire of my ex-Navy buddies at work.  Were the dive planes visible on 
this boat?  As in:  were they mounted on the sail?  This would identify ship 
as American as most other builders mount them forward to main hull.  There 
were lots of modcons on fast attack boats, and maybe one of the Navy boys 
will remember a series that used the cruciform tail section (I kinda sorta 
remember something along these lines but will check further)
