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Re: What Submarine Am I?

On Sun, 23 May 1999 18:25:32 -0400 "Allan E. Gaines" writes:
>I was out flying around Puerto Rico with the Coast
>Guard recently.  While out, we flew over a surfaced
>submarine (several crewmembers were on deck).
>It was black, with a conventional conning
>tower.  However, it looked smaller than most U.S.
>Navy subs I've seen.  Also, the stern "tail fins"
>(what do you call them?)  *appeared* to be in an "x"
>configuration.  What I mean is, if you
>saw this sub from the rear, the tail fins would appear
>as an "x" instead of a "+" like most subs I've seen.
>[I presume it would look like an "x"; I don't know
>what the fins below the water looked like.]

It might have been a Dutch "Walrus" class boat.

Where were the forward planes?

Michael Holt

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