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Re: Diesel/Electrics

-----Original Message-----
From: Marsee Skidmore <heyred@email.msn.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Saturday, May 22, 1999 12:11 PM
Subject: Diesel/Electrics

>AIP is wonderful Tom Swift stuff, but I consider it a Poor Man's Nuke. It's
>nice if you're trying to hide from ASW aircraft, and it's nice if you want
>to go as fast submerged as on the surface. Psubbers aren't running or
>from anybody. Yes, diesels are heavy, but we're not building airplanes
>Diesel/Electric propulsion isn't trick, but it falls under the Engineering
>umbrella of "Good Enough."

    I still believe in the fuel cell AIP idea.  Partially because it gives
submerged endurance, and also because I'm interested in using alternative
fuels, especially hydrogen.  The weight issue isn't it, either.  If diesels
operate underwater, they would be okay.  Also, hydrogen could be contained
in metal-hydride tanks, which could be jettisoned in emergencies.

[There's actually a sub design idea out there that uses continuous metal
wrapped around the inside of the hull.  Basically, the diesel intake is
to one end, and the exhaust is attached to the other.  This principle would
a sub a 24 hour +/- endurance underwater.]

    Also, fuel cells are available commercially, and I'm sure the price will
down as time goes by.  Besides, they've been around for decades, so they're
not exactly "cutting-edge" technology.

> As for girls, they generally use less oxygen. :-o

    That makes them an even BETTER crew....