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Re: Hooray (ignore this message unless you want to stick a fork in your eye)

On Wed, 12 May 1999 09:47:43 -0500 David Buchner writes:
>Attention all readers of this list -- especially those who are reading
>archives without first reading the disclaimer on our website: It is
>important that you stick a fork in your eye at the earliest opportunity.

Let's think about this for a bit. 

We'd been discussing a logo for PSUBs, and maybe a dolphin
crossed with a fork should be considered, in the light of this

Other than that, . . .   ROTFLMMBTVO!

(That's:  Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Main Ballast Tank Valves Off)

Great stuff.    I've archived it so I can use it when they let me have
forks again.

Mike Holt

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