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list traffic; hand-me-downs

Oh you sneaky sneaks! After more than a week of quiet, when I think it's
safe, I go away for the weekend. All of a sudden there's all these
messages. How does this happen? Who sits in the woods with his laptop and
cellular modem and waits to see me throw my toothbrush in the car and drive
away? This has happened too many times before for me to dismiss it as mere

Oh, by the way, two things have got me thinking about surplus submarines
again. I noticed a reference to a Scientific American article in the
"magazines" part of the website - and I actually have a pile of SA's from
that period. It's about "3rd world" countries buying diesel  submarines -
pretty *big* ones from the look of it.

The other thing was a friend of mine who's always looking for someplace
weird and cheap to live. He's got this boat he lives on sometimes, in the
Mississippi below downtown St. Paul. He mentioned some guy who lived on an
old fireboat, and another on some kind of "sub chaser" or "torpedo boat"
(he couldn't remember.) Anyway - it just makes me the more certain that
there must be somewhere, if I were to look hard enough, that I could get
hold of a rusty old naval sub, like the size of WWII ones. Amazing as it
seems to me, old boats are mostly a nuisance to many people and this friend
of mine keeps seeing them go for free or nearly so - even really well-kept
neat old wooden-hulled yachts. If nobody wants to get involved in the
upkeep, this stuff has no great value, I guess.

Oh, also - this isn't exactly "personal" but... is anybody familiar with
the environmental group Sea Shepherd. According to their website, they've
got a little submarine they carry around with them for sneaky attacks on
whaling ships and suchlike. I don't know exactly *what* kind of "attacks" -
but it certainly sounds exciting.

Osage MN USA