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Re: intro and suggestion on hydrogen venting

Al Secor wrote:

> What is your opinion about AGM or Gell batteries?  These batteries are
> supposed to
> recombine the hydrogen with the oxygen to form water that's cycled back
> into the
> electrolyte (either the gel or glass mat).  I intend to use these
> batteries in my
> sub (internally) but will also vent the interior during charging as an
> added safety
> factor.
> Al Secor

Although they don't talk about hydrogen much except if you charge in a
garage, the Electric Vehicle Discussion group has a wealth of
information on electric motors, batteries, chargers, and controls.  The
sealed AGM's such as Hawkers and Optima's are very good, but expensive. 
It's just not first cost that is the disadvantage, it's the charging
algorithms required.  This is the subject of extensive discussions.

The interesting thing is that Hawkers claim to be usable without
pressure compensation to 300 feet.  It would not be too hard to put them
in an ambient pressure, oil filled case outside the pressure hull.

I posted these links a while back, but it seemed no one took much
notice.  I'll dig them up again if there is any interest this time.

Martin Sanderse