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Re: Plexiglas or whatever


>From what I can remember is:

1. Lexan is a trade name for one manufacture's polycarbonate.

2. Polycarbonates are simular to acrylic but not the same thing. 
   Polycarbonates are tougher but more brittle than acrylic. Occasionally
   a piece of polycarbonate being cut would catch in a saw and kick back
   causing some nasty cuts. Vicious stuff to work with even with carbide tipped

3. Because polycarbonate is tougher it is the material used for bullet
   proof (resistant really) glass.

4. Can polycarbonates for used for view ports? I don't know. I would consult
   the viewport book.


> Okay, here's part  what I didn't know.
> >David,
> >    The reason I use, and suggest the use of, acrylic plastics for windows
> >can easily be summed up. ....The main contender for replacement is
> >polycarbonate (Lexan)....
> ...I just always thought of all this stuff as the same -- "Clear Plastic"
> -- And the different names being trademarks. Duh. I'm not even sure, but I
> think I recall the guy at the window place saying the stuff he was putting
> in my windowframes was "lexan." So... this is apparently polycarbonate
> which is not what you're using. Is there a common brand name of acrylic
> thrown around just as carelessly? Is "plexi-glass" (further bastardized by
> the careless "nucular" crowd into "flexi-glass") something else entirely?
> If what I've got in my trailer is polycarbonate (or, to be on topic, if I
> use a spare hunk of it in an ambient sub or glass-bottomed boat)... can I
> polish it in a similar way?
> ---------
> David
> buchner@wcta.net
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner
> Osage MN USA