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Re: more about Fuel Cells Technology

give a look to this site, it relates to FC applications to underwater vehicles:


Nathanael Henderson wrote:

> > In my previous message, I erroneously wrote NaOH2 instead of NaH. The "waste" from the
> > processed powerballs is NaOH
>     Hmmm.....scrubber.  :-)  A clever person could use the waste NaOH for
> the life support system.
> > The potential energy stored in 1 gallon of NaH (if 100% conversion efficiency)=11.2KWH
> > The current PEM fuel cells are rated to about 60% efficiency which means 6.7KWH of available
> > electric power from one gallon of NaH.
>     What would a small fuel cell cost?  The technology sounds very
> promising, but it always comes back to money.  :-)  For that matter, could
> one be home-built?
> > But for p-subs there still exists a problem in handling "potential" emissions of gaseous
> > hydrogen in a closed environment with a potentially high concentration of oxygen and several
> > potential sources for sparks.
>     I believe the hydrogen-oxygen catalysts currently used for batteries
> could do the job.

Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

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e-mail: pavel@mail.nauta.it