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Re: more about Fuel Cells Technology

Nathanael Henderson wrote:

>     What would a small fuel cell cost?  The technology sounds very
> promising, but it always comes back to money.  :-)  For that matter, could
> one be home-built?

Unfortunately it's still a bit expensive, the PEM fuel cells cost an average 5,000 USD per KWH (or
more), but in few years their [industrial] cost is expected to go down to a 50USD per KWH which is
the estimated cost to be competitive with gasoline.

I'm waiting to know something more about alkaline fuel cells from ZEVCO. They already say they're
able to sell they london cab at a very little more than a diesel version.

> > But for p-subs there still exists a problem in handling "potential" emissions of gaseous
> > hydrogen in a closed environment with a potentially high concentration of oxygen and several
> > potential sources for sparks.
>     I believe the hydrogen-oxygen catalysts currently used for batteries
> could do the job.



Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

Viale Tricesimo 5/6
33100 - UDINE - ITALY
Tel. (+39)0348-2611707
e-mail: pavel@mail.nauta.it