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Re: New Member -Intro

Peter Daane wrote:

> [snip]
> I'd like to introduce myself.  My name is Peter Daane, I live in
> Chicago and have always lived along Lake Michigan (the Big Pond).  I
> dreamed about building a small submarine for a long time and I plan to
> start making designs and scrounging for materials this summer.


> I would like to see some reports of how you
> scrounged, dug up, begged for or haggled bargains on materials.

The kind of sub and expected operating depth will determine what and how much of what
you have to scrounge - um, recycle.  You may want to consider applying your
bargaining skills on craftsmen or tradesmen like welders, fiberglassers, metal
painters, etc. Trade time and skills for dollars.

I hung around a yacht supply store that was going out of business.  Great deals.

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)