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New Member -Intro

Ahhh!  I'm finally getting some information.

Hi members,

I'd like to introduce myself.  My name is Peter Daane, I live in
Chicago and have always lived along Lake Michigan (the Big Pond).  I
dreamed about building a small submarine for a long time and I plan to
start making designs and scrounging for materials this summer.  I've
ordered some of the books on the list from the library.

Right now I'm looking for information on how much a homebuilt project
would cost.  I realize this, like all other water-related hobbies (no
offense), is expensive.  I would like to see some reports of how you
scrounged, dug up, begged for or haggled bargains on materials.  So
that I don't set off any alarms, I don't plan on scrimping where
safety is a factor. 

As this project is still in planning stage for me, I'll probably just
lurke for awhile and absorb the collective wisdom of the group. 
However, I do greatly appreciate the knowledge and dedication of this
organization and thier willingness to share information with the
general public.  Many thanks.

Best Regards,
Peter Daane

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