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Re: Viewport Seats for Concrete pressure hulls

> I am especially interested in innovative methods of manufacturing
> cost effective submersibles.
> David Irons

Hi, David - there may be some contradiction in an "innovative cost effective" sub.  I
think I know what you're getting at, though.

If what you mean is cheap materials that are easily worked, then those materials are

Is this your first sub/habitat?  Have you thought of building a simple wet or dry
ambient boat as a test platform?  This will get you into the water very inexpensively
and quickly (in relative terms).

There is a concern that a one atm. boat will be an overwhelming project the first
time around.  It may be worth the time and expense to fly down to one of the list
members' homes and getting a ride in their one atm. sub.  The insights from spending
time with the builder and actually being down in the sub may be worth the $200 to
$400 in flight and accomodations for a couple of days.

As for concrete, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well it performs u/w.  Stick
to Stachiw, however, and you'll have plenty of data to back up your designs.  Some
people are not comfortable with metal working, but, are with concrete.

If you live close to BC let me know.  I may be able to help you out.  We have several
submersible manufacturers out here who will be glad to give you a tour.  I guess I'll
have to drag myself along, too   ;-)

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)