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Wet Sub Photos and Specifications


Rick Lucertini asked if I would submit photos and specifications of my wet sub
to the web page.  I will certainly do that.  It will be 60-90 days off, but I
will do that.  Now if you have the Busby book, you can look at an identical
sub today.  Turn to page 67, upper right hand corner.  My sub looks just like
that, in size and shape.  Pure coincidence, of course, as I retired my boat in
1973 and Busby was published in 76.
I retired her because Wife #1 made me choose between the "Undaunted" and her.
Wife #2 knows better.

I thought it might be useful to present the 'Undaunted" as a case study.  I
will provide photos in the water and out, dimensions and specifications,
budgets and building timetables, lessons learned (successes and failures), and
recommedations based on my experiences.  I will also incude the references I
used, and how I used them.  We will see if this is a useful format for the

Although I benefit greatly from all of the engineering expertise that the
psubbers are willing to provide, I personally long for case studies.  I want
to hear from those few folks who have actually designed, built and operated
their own submarines.  Describe your boat (design, construction, operation,
maintenance, costs, lessons learned).  Describe your operational experiences
(where, when, how deep, how long, why, you dive).  Because that is what I want
to know, I will provide that to others.  They can then decide whether that is
useful, or not.

Doug Farrow
Oakton, VA