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Re: Wet Sub Photos and Specifications

Doug Farrow wrote:

> [snip]
> I thought it might be useful to present the 'Undaunted" as a case study.  I
> will provide photos in the water and out, dimensions and specifications,
> budgets and building timetables, lessons learned (successes and failures), and
> recommedations based on my experiences.  I will also incude the references I
> used, and how I used them.  We will see if this is a useful format for the
> membership.

Wonderful idea.  This will help a lot in determining just how much energy and money
one is willing to put into a sub project.

> Although I benefit greatly from all of the engineering expertise that the
> psubbers are willing to provide, I personally long for case studies.  I want
> to hear from those few folks who have actually designed, built and operated
> their own submarines.  Describe your boat (design, construction, operation,
> maintenance, costs, lessons learned).  Describe your operational experiences
> (where, when, how deep, how long, why, you dive).  Because that is what I want
> to know, I will provide that to others.  They can then decide whether that is
> useful, or not.

Along with all of the above, I'd like to add "design rationale".  Something valuable
I learned from way back when.  Knowing the history of the designer's thoughts helps
track ideas and applications.  It's so frustrating to read that someone did a
particular thing only to discover that we have no reason to ponder over.

I think I'll follow your format in terms of sharing the construction process with the
group.  Great concept!

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)