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Re: Federal Regulations Governing PSUBS

SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:

> Fellow Builders,
> [snip]
> I want to thank Ray for making this forum possible, and all the PSUBers for
> making this site so damn fascinating.  I love it!  After 30 years of "backyard
> building", I have finally found a home.
> Doug Farrow

Hi, Doug - Well, you've certainly had the chance to see us air out our laundry (or is
that "launder our hot air?)

Glad you like the group.  Do you have pictures of your sub for the PSubs site?  You
mentioned a wet sub.  Any specs on it?  How it performed, mistakes, triumphs, if you
still use it, others you've built, etc?

Your fire extinguisher story reminds me of an incident here in BC when the provincial
gov't tried to legislate seat belts on motorcycles.  Um . . .


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)