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Re: Acrylic bonding/construction.

My copy is 1 7/8" thick !
please take a note of this !
ha ha

I agree, this is a great book, especially if you can read greek !
The key is to not pass any word that you do not understand, look it up.

Alan Long

protek@shreve.net wrote:

>     "Acrylic Plastic Viewports" by Jerry Stachiw.  Marcel Dekker, NY.  I
> find my self suggesting this book often for some reason.  Everyone is going
> to think I have a fixation with "Acrylic Plastic Viewports", but the fact
> is; it is a very informative book on acrylic plastic.  I wish every psubber
> had one.  It is everything that I can personally imagine on the subject of
> window design using this one material, acrylic plastic.  Its about 2 inches
> thick and costs about $50/inch. :-)
>     It is also possible to cast acrylic and later machine it.  All this is
> covered in the book.  For a long time I have wanted to try this.  The only
> problem with casting is that it has to be done in a pressurized oven.  If
> not, cast acrylic developes gas bubbles.  Very pretty for decoration but
> not good for looking outside a sub.
> Gary
> At 11:04 AM 3/6/99 EST, you wrote:
> >Does anyone know how to bond sheets of acrylic material, I found a
> supplier of
> >2 inch (~5 cm) thick material.  That was the thickest I could find, and it
> was
> >somewhat expensive (~ $500/24x24 inch). I was wondering if it was possible to
> >bond individual sheets together to get a greater thickness, and maintain
> >strength and clarity.  Is this practical?  Is it economically feasible?
> Maybe
> >put together to achieve a semi-spherical shape, by bonding stacked concentric
> >rings and polishing?
> > At this time I am just searching for thoughts and ideas. Anything would be
> >appreciated.
> >
> >