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RE: Book available

I have personally met the guy that put this book together. He has been a
member of the SubCommittee for some time. He is a great illustrator and
knows U.S. subs well, serving on several. As far as a reference, might be
useful, but do not expect any info from it to be useful in PSUB construction
(other that seeing the shapes of U.S subs from an illustration perspective).


	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Dick Morrisson [SMTP:rmorrisson@unidial.com]
	Sent:	Saturday, March 06, 1999 11:28 PM
	To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
	Subject:	Book available

	Here is a link to a book on US navy submarines.  200 pages for $28.
	Does anyone have this book yet?
