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Heat treating hulls or stress relieving welds.

Heat treating hulls or stress relieving welds.

The reason I'm writing is that this is just one of the topics I have not
seen any discussion about yet.
>From what I know it can be important to stress relieve welds and I think
it should be discussed.
I know there are others in the group that know more about this subject
than I, so I turn it over to you.
For the benefit of all, can anyone tell me and the group more
specifically how important this step is,
and what are the results of doing or not doing this?
How can it be done?
Where can it be done?
How much might it cost?
Is it required by any codes or guidelines?
How much will it improve (or not) the depth capability or safety of a
sub hull?
Recommend any books that cover this subject, and add any other
information about this topic that will be useful.
Also, if anyone has other questions about this please bring them up.
Thank you,
Jon Shawl