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Re: Meeting other p-subbers

On Wed, 03 Mar 1999 11:34:38 -0500 "Stephen V. Buerkle" writes:
> One thing that 
>may help in any formation of an EAA-like P-sub national group would be 
>for the main P-Sub site to have a "registration" CGI that simply asks
>Name, email address and residence town/city & state.  

Good idea.  That would be simple enough.  I think.

>Then a compilation of 
>the locations could be automatically tabulated on the site. That way, 
>P-listers could quickly see how many others were geographically close
>possibly contact each other.


>  One concern would be how to prevent spam 'bots 
>from grabbing the email list, but I'm sure there are ways to handle

OK, there's a way to do that.   The list can be e-mailed to anyone who
the guest book and leaves some convincing evidence that they're sincere.
I'd not be hesitant to say that the list is not released to anyone who
use it for spam (or the equivalent thereof). 

Or just have me do what I suggested in the beginning: send the addresses
to me and I'll make up a file with everyone in it.   If I do it, no
change to the
website is needed, and PSUBS gets a commissar of addresses.

On to another matter: the name of this suggested EAA clone.   EPA has
been suggested, and ESA (Experimental Submarine Association) is
another possibility.   But we already call ourselves PSubbers, and I
that name has stuck.   The organization would be the "Personal
Submersibles Association." 

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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