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Re: EPA (Experimental P-sub Association)

Well if you do decide to come and visit me,  I have a copy of Stachiw's book...
I have Busby's also, even if it is a little worn out !
I will talk to you more latter.

Alan Long

HUNTR2@aol.com wrote:

> We could call our Psub version of the EAA the EPA.   Then you have clout right
> off the bat!   Maybe there are concentrations of members in various parts of
> the country...  eg.  Bay area California,  Florida,   New York,  Michigan.
> Someone with the "list" of lurkers/builders/operators might be able to shed
> light on this.  Might have large regional chapters to begin with.    (I belong
> to EAA)
> I would travel some to get to a meeting of something like that.  We need to be
> able to share resources more.  I have ordered Stachiw's book on Amazon.com
> over 6 months ago and they can't find it.  Would love to look at someone
> else's copy.
> Gene Seus
> Ca. bay area