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Re: Unmanned test dives, a safty question

Alan Long wrote:

> Jon,
> One other thing about divers in the water during a drop test,  when I was doing a
> preliminary destruction test on one of my view ports which I did in a 2 in thick
> steel pressure chamber, When the pressure got up to 760 psi the port gave way and
> let me
> tell you, It sounded like a gun shot !!!  and that was just a view port,  I would
> not want to be any where in the water if a sub failed !!!  Like you said, Thoomp
> !!! wow...

I would recommend that one use a small chamber that is water filled, like a hydro test
It sounds like you where using air pressure? That can be dangerous!. Did you just
prove the big bang theory? :-)
I once filled a 2 L pop bottle with air until KABANG around 300 Psi. It was awesome! I
was safe on the other side of a wall and it was still loud as a gun! So that's another
don't. Don't use air for pressure tests!
Has any one seen the trick where one person very carefully stands on a empty pop can,
and another person just toinks it with his finger and it crushes flat. It reminded me
of a thin sub under too much water, bumping into something. OUCH.