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Re: Hatch Safety?

Paul Julius wrote:

> I have noticed that many PSUB designs latch the hatch :) from the inside only.  They cannot be opened from the outside.  I assume that this poses a safety risk to the operator, in case of emergency rescue.

If you have a handle on the outside, and someone was trying to get in , it wouldn't help a bit to unlatch it unless they were also able to equalize the pressure from the outside. Doing that from the outside
might just drowned the person inside. If  I'm conscious I can equalize the pressure and unlatch it my self , then I have a chance at swimming out. If I'm unconscious then it would be better to not flood it
just to get the hatch open. My main fear is that the sub might get snagged or trapped on some large strong object that would keep the sub from surfacing. Not having a handle or wheel on the outside just means
1 less thing to snag on something. If a window went, then they have all the time they need to go get a wrench. :(
My hatch latch has a hex head bolt for a wrench on the outside, I figure the only time it would need to be used is to recover my body after they bring up the sub. If any one can think of a good reason to put a
permanent handle on the outside please let me know!

> One, is there a reasonable PSUB way to latch the hatch such that it can be opened from both sides?

Sure. I think most a latches are operated from both sides, it's just that some don't have permanent handles on the outside.

> Two, sci fi movies and books often use "explosive bolts" to blow a hatch.  Are explosive bolts available to Joe Friendly Homebuilder?

NO, NO, NO, and remember that's sci-FICTION.

> Three, does it really matter, since there will most likely not be a successful emergency rescue?

Probably true, but....My hope is, that it won't matter, because every one will have safe dives and we won't need to find out.

> I would appreciate all comments, and I FULLY understand that my life is my own responsibility, and that nobody else wants to assume any liability.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone thought that way. But then what would the lawyers do for a living?

> Thanks,
> Paul Julius
> Crazy student psubber wannabe