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Re: Hatch Safety?

Hi Pual,

What  A. Secor states, I feel to be correct.
I would use an external latch for keeping the hatch closed during towing to dive location
by a boat, I heard a story about a sportsman 300 that was lost during towing because the subs hatch was knocked open by a sizable wave and the sub flooded and sank quickly.      keeping in mind that the
sportsman is top heavy !

Also would come in handy during the unmanned dive test that "every " new sub should have.

Alan Long

Paul Julius wrote:

> I have noticed that many PSUB designs latch the hatch :) from the inside only.  They cannot be opened from the outside.  I assume that this poses a safety risk to the operator, in case of emergency rescue.
> One, is there a reasonable PSUB way to latch the hatch such that it can be opened from both sides?
> Two, sci fi movies and books often use "explosive bolts" to blow a hatch.  Are explosive bolts available to Joe Friendly Homebuilder?
> Three, does it really matter, since there will most likely not be a successful emergency rescue?
> I would appreciate all comments, and I FULLY understand that my life is my own responsibility, and that nobody else wants to assume any liability.
> Thanks,
> Paul Julius
> Crazy student psubber wannabe