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Re: Making viewports (was: Visibility / Safety or Safety / Visibility ?)

There is a location in New Orleans that does PVHO windows to specs.  I can
not remember the name of the place but the owner is a fellow named Malone.
It is a plastics company.  This has been a number of years ago.  I assume
they are still doing it.  6" windows will const $200 - $300.  I saw this
figure and did my own.


At 10:14 PM 2/23/99 -0800, you wrote:
>On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 20:33:07 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>>As far as buying view ports I don't know where you can get them. I sent
>>the report PVHO from ASME to learn how to properly make the lenses.
>Tell me more about that report.  
>>Then I made my own from 1.25 in thick cast acrylic sheet and cut it up
>on a 
>>saw into octagon shapes. 
>Where did you get the acrylic sheet?
>(There was a supplier in town who was offering up to one-inch-thick
>plexiglass, a few years back, but I need to see what's available now.)
>>Then I turned them down round on my lathe. I have 
>>the tapered seat design. 
>How precise is your machining?   What's the maximum tolerance you 
>expect to obtain?   Is that maximum significant?
>>I could make some more ASME approved design 
>>lenses, but because I am not a ASME certified builder, the lenses would
>not be
>>technically ASME approved. Do you see what I'm saying?
>Yeah, it's like me when I could drive at 14 but no one really cared
>I wasn't officially checked out.
>>If some one used this report, did there own design work, and sent me 
>>the material and a drawing, I could do the machining.
>Hmmm . . . . .
>>That way you are responsible for whatever happens not me, you would 
>>also have to make a test rig and test your own lenses before installing 
>What kind of test rig?
>>That way I am just cutting a piece of plastic for you and I would not be
>>one saying it would be ok to use them as view ports. The maximum Dia. 
>>that I can turn in my lathe is about 10".
>This sounds reasonable to me.
>Jon, did you ever think of duplicating the all-clear hull of the subs
>used hexagonal pieces to make a sphere?   I used to wonder how difficult
>that might be.
>Mike Holt
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