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Re: Howdy

"Morrisson, Richard D" wrote:

> [snip]     A possible use of this idea might be for low cost shallow diving subs, but then the safety question of the hour would have to do with explosions (as opposed to implosions).

Certainly the hull would get stressed both ways.  Imagine the c.pit pressure at one ATM.  Our pilot read somewhere that one ATM is fairly safe physiologically.  At the surface, the hull's potential energy is, as Richard pointed out, EXplosive once prepressurized.  As the boat drops below one ATM ambient, the delta forces on the hull now become IMplosive.  A hull would have to be designed especially carefully especially due to dive recycling.  I agree that's it's better to build a strong hull and deal with the pressure coming from one direction.  More predictable.

Very good concept, though.
Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."