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RE: Who has there own submarine now?

How do you fit 2 people in that small of space?

-----Original Message-----
From:	Alan Long 
Sent:	Saturday, February 20, 1999 11:57 PM
To:	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject:	Re: Who has there own submarine now?

Hi Jon,

I have a two man 1 atom. sub that I am rebuilding. It has a dive depth of 300 ft.
twin conns and hatches, range of approx. 15 miles,  displacement of 2200 lb.. max
of 6 knots.
my sub "should" get wet in about 4 months .

Alan long

Jonathan Shawl wrote:

> After reviewing the stats for the psub site I was wondering how many of us own
> your own submarine? And did you build it or buy it? Please respond to
> shawl@torchlake.com and I will post the totals from this survey's response.
> I have only got e-mail from 2 other submarine owners besides my self, are there
> any others?
> Thank you,
> Jonathan Shawl
