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Re: January 1999 web site statistics


I am still astonished at the success of this site. I had little thought we
would grow so much.  I want to publically thank you for giving PSUBS a home at
your site.


> PSUBS reaches 97 email addresses around the world.
> A total of 23 topics were discussed by 39 participants.
> The PSUBS web site activity seems to be growing
> exponentially.  In 1998 we averaged 8498 hits
> per month but in January 1999 we've received over
> 22,000.
> Requests for just HTML pages also reflect a large
> increase in activity over last year, rising from
> 1110 in 1/98 to 12,481 in 1/99.  These are actual
> numbers, no averaging.
> Unique hosts increased from an average of 548/month
> in 1998 to 886 actual in 1/99.  This figure represents
> each IP address that accessed the site, but counts
> it only once.
> Average data transfered in 1998 was 4 meg, while in
> Jan. 1999 we transfered over 14 meg.
> Beginning with January/99, montly web site statistics
> will be posted to the web site automatically.  Look
> for them at http://www.psubs.org/stats.