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January 1999 web site statistics

PSUBS reaches 97 email addresses around the world.
A total of 23 topics were discussed by 39 participants.

The PSUBS web site activity seems to be growing
exponentially.  In 1998 we averaged 8498 hits
per month but in January 1999 we've received over

Requests for just HTML pages also reflect a large
increase in activity over last year, rising from
1110 in 1/98 to 12,481 in 1/99.  These are actual
numbers, no averaging.

Unique hosts increased from an average of 548/month
in 1998 to 886 actual in 1/99.  This figure represents
each IP address that accessed the site, but counts
it only once.

Average data transfered in 1998 was 4 meg, while in
Jan. 1999 we transfered over 14 meg.

Beginning with January/99, montly web site statistics
will be posted to the web site automatically.  Look
for them at http://www.psubs.org/stats.