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Re: Greetings.

Hi Ed,

> Hello Everyone.  
> I don't know if there's a protocol or anything for this but, I'm new to the
> list and thought I would introduce myself.  

The only protocol there is that I know of is to speak up.  If you got a 
question, ask it. If you got an opinion, state it. If you got really useful
information, give it, if you like. If you got not so useful information,
give it any way. Don't be afraid of criticism or comments, they are really 
meant to keep you alive.

Since each and everyone of us are responsible for our own lives. The
information given at this site is to taken with a giant grain of salt. However
much of what gets discussed is useful, even if only thought provoking at times.
> I'm Edward Mullin from New Hampshire, a ceritfied diver and also a pilot
> (small aircraft).  I've been diving in New England waters for a while, and
> thought that a submersible would be a better way.  So I figured I'd gather as
> much information as I could about building one.  Well I guess 'nuff said. 

Hew Hampshire? Get a hold of George Kittredge in Maine. Drop by for a visit
and see his submersibles first hand. 

He sells plans for 1atm submersibles and I am sure if you want to spend the
money he'll be happy to build one for you. 

If you look on the Sources page you will find pointers.

> Ed M.
> Nashua, NH

One last thing. In our short time we have devloped a bit of culture. The
biggest one is "dead horsie". We will thrash a topic till it is dead, dead,
dead and will still have more to say. So if you got a spin, angle or thought
on a discussion, give it. I would rather have figurative "dead horsies"
than a literally dead PSUBer.
