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RE: Greetings.

Welcome aboard Ed!

You came to the right place.  This group has it all and then some.  I'm just a wannabe sub owner (no that's not a brand name, ha ha) but this group has kept my interest long enough that I am convinced I will build my dream one day!  Read the archives and stay tuned in, it ranges from dead calm for days to virtual e-mail storms (just steer clear of dead horses and oxygen!).  I used to live on the east coast for a while, dove two of the great lakes, several finger lakes, Long Island (ocean side), Boston area, etc...  I'm also rated SEL with 172 time and a little Cherokee time.  I wish there were a group this open in regards to experimental aircraft.  Anyway, I look forward to your contributions.


> ----------
> From: 	EdwMullin@aol.com[SMTP:EdwMullin@aol.com]
> Sent: 	Monday, February 15, 1999 3:18 PM
> To: 	personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: 	Greetings.
> Hello Everyone.  
> I don't know if there's a protocol or anything for this but, I'm new to the
> list and thought I would introduce myself.   
> I'm Edward Mullin from New Hampshire, a ceritfied diver and also a pilot
> (small aircraft).  I've been diving in New England waters for a while, and
> thought that a submersible would be a better way.  So I figured I'd gather as
> much information as I could about building one.  Well I guess 'nuff said.  
> Ed M.
> Nashua, NH