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Re: Networked ROV (was: Some questions about this group?)

At 09:57 AM 1/28/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> But the idea of being able to log onto a web site to watch through the
>> camera is fascinating.
>It wouldn't be at all difficult to embrace this with software such as
>and the ROV camera interfaced through a PC with a video capture card.
I have not made comment before but when I read this I thought I would offer
some advice.
I have been trying to do what you intend for some time now and have found
bandwidth to be the biggest problem (the pictures are slow to download) a
possible solution I am currently looking at is Satalite phones but even
these are limmited in bandwidth please if you find a soloution that you
have tested and works please tell me.

PS the card I use is a matrox millenium with a rainbowrunner card attached