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Re: How about fish finders? and speaking of periscopes...

At 12:21 25-01-99 -0800, you wrote:
>A motor would raise the periscope through your sub's fairwater.  But the
typical periscope is a
>complicated item for our usage.
>If anyone out there has solved this difficulty let us know!  I, for one,
would love a simple
>periscope that rises through a fairwater.
This may sound complicated to some people on this list but here here is my
idea for a periscope.

The actually unit would be a small clear dome topped box that is bouyant.
inside the dome is a PCB camera. The unit is raised or lowered on a cable
that feeds out from the sub.

The PCB camera points straight up to a 45deg mirror that can be rotated on
a small servomotor.

The camera signal is viewed on a small LCD TV or similar, and the mirror is
rotated by two switches one left one right, or one switch if the mirror
setup is continuous.

This is not some outrageous idea, I've used a similar setup in private
investigations in the distant past.

If a semisilvered lens is placed in front of the camera, it could impose
the image of a compass on the camera lens so you have directional information.

Dave Everett.