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Re: Registration

In a message dated 1/16/99 10:00:24 AM EST, Buchner@wcta.net writes:

<< >Hello,
 >I just got through registering my Sub here in Florida and it was registered
 >very much like a boat, it cost me a little over $10.
 >Ken Martindale
 Do they have a special "submersible" category? I'll bet Minnesota doesn't.
 I always expected I'd just go in and fill out the form with the length,
 about 6 feet, the number of toilets, zero, and the hull material, steel,
 and the make, homemade -- and put the stickers and numbers on see what
 happens. Nothing on there about whether it stays on the surface all the
 time ;-)
Florida doesn't care they just want to get their money. They seem to believe
that if the vessel goes in or on the water with a motor it will be used for
transportation and they want their money. In any case it was only about $10,
which is not too bad. The category was "Other". Deck and rigging was also
"Other". I classified it as an inboard.

I took the Sub out today for further testing in fresh water in a not too clean
large pond. Since I had no visibility nor any sensory inputs, I couldn't tell
if the controls were working or what. I ended about 100 yards away before I
took a look topside, I was surprised how fast the Sub was and how far away I
was. Towing 1500 pounds back with my small feet didn't look so good but I made
it back on the surface. I also rammed shore a couple of times with no damage
except paint scraping. I learned that 1500 pounds doesn't stop on a dime
unless the shore helps. With the dirty water I saw bottom too late to stop or
reverse. Calculations showed about 5 knots and it performs at least that good
although I haven't run an accurate speed determination. My cruising range of
15 N. miles looks good. I only ran a few seconds but felt I had not run at
all. The Sub worked fine, the human inside didn't do as well. I am now going
to try it in clear water as soon as I can find a location, perhaps in Crystal
River? I am also putting a compass inside the Sub and dive plane angle
indicator. I need them in dirty water.

Have fun,

Ken Martindale