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Re: And new newcommer news

At 00.22 13/11/98 -0800, you wrote:

>Tommaso Ravaglioli wrote:
>> At 15.02 12/11/98 +0100, you wrote:
>> >PS: Are there any french or italian Psubbers around?
>> here we are!
>> I am an italian Psubber [snip]
>Bon giorno, Tommaso - (I think I just mutilated my first Italian greeting).

Bonjour, mon ami, c'est plus facile pour les Italiens de comprendre le
français plutot que l'alglais. Moi-mème j'ai etudié le fraçais à ècole, et
l'anglais de moi-meme...

>I'm half Italian and half French-Canadian.  I'm Indian on the inside -
well, >at least the Kama Sutra part!

but italians do it better....

>> I've been also a sub officer in the Italian Navy.
>What were you doing on the sub?

Fire control team on Fecia di Cossato SSK 519(but in Italy the SSXX
classification is not used), a Nazario Sauro Class subarine.

>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>  Ben mi comprendono coloro i quali sono stati
>>   presi dall'amore inspiegabile del volo
>>                       Antoine de Saint-Exupery
>I may be Italian, but, what does your "signature" file say - in english?

"Bien vont me comprendre ceux-qui ont etè pris par l'amour inexplicable
pour le vol" This is not the original version, because I never found it in
french, is my translation.
I'm sorry but I was not sure of its precision.
English version:
"They will understand me well all those ravished by the inexplicable love
for flight"

>Rick Lucertini
>(Vancouver, Canada)
>"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."


P.S.: I am not a list-newbie! I have posted very few messages (about four,
I believe) during the past year.

 Ben mi comprendono coloro i quali sono stati 
  presi dall'amore inspiegabile del volo

                      Antoine de Saint-Exupery